Like everything in life, there are technical and non-technical bits. Finding the right balance between those in your SEO strategy is crucial in ensuring its success. Here are our expert tips on how to achieve and keep that balance so that all local SEO techniques you use are properly utilized.


#1 Understand the Role of Technical SEO

Generally speaking, technical SEO refers to any work that is done aside from producing the content. Technical SEO professionals are mediators between vitally important players of your campaign, such as link builders, content creators and marketers, web development experts, and others.


It is, therefore, extremely important that a technical SEO professional plays a central role in the process of planning your campaign. SEO and content teams/experts have to work together to set common goals, become a cohesive unit that can evolve and adapt continually.


# 2 Balance Your On & Off-page Optimization

On and off-site optimization involves different strategies; however, they both affect content performance in significant ways.




  • Site structure, design, and hierarchy
  • Title tags and meta descriptions
  • Crawl and index ability
  • Internal linking
  • Sitemaps
  • Coding errors
  • Page content
  • Site speed
  • Mobile responsiveness




  • Social content and sharing
  • Influencer content
  • Articles and guest blogs
  • Inbound links


#3 Work SEO Into Your Content Marketing Strategy


If you find yourself asking these questions:


  • How do I optimize images?
  • Which types of sources to approve as citations and which to avoid?
  • When and how should I use H1, H2 and H3 headings?
  • Who creates title tags, and what are the guidelines for making them?
  • Who are my readers, and what do I assume is their knowledge of my industry? (This can help when selecting your keywords.)


… Then your starting point is correct. Finding the answers to these will help you distribute tasks between teams/departments and not only help you plan your content marketing strategy but also find the right local SEO techniques to best serve your goals. When your technical SEO and content teams work in harmony, your performance will be at its peak.

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