While native advertising is a new term, there are some arguments that it is not actually a new form of online advertising for business. Advertisers and marketers claim to have been doing it for years. The simplest way to describe native advertising is advertising which blends into the medium where it appears.


For example, newspapers have “discussed” ads as a column, radios are sneakily playing songs that are actually ads, and so on. When this practice hit social media, they made a new name for it, and namely, native advertising.


In a way, native advertising has always been around, but not for all types of social media.


If your business has social sites, it may have occurred to you at some point that it is a bit harder to get people to care about your brand during their social media time than you first imagined. Your clients are not actually all that interested in singing the praises of brands and products like a paid spokesperson. They must be bribed and asked nicely to talk about you, in most cases.


So, the only thing you can do is to find a way to give them something they actually wanted in the first place. This is something that fits into the whole social media scheme perfectly.


When it comes to online advertising for businesses, being relevant is crucial. Other important elements include impact, fitting into the medium, wide interest, and as you’ll see, if you follow the comments on the link, give credit where it is due, and try to let them follow up on the info they are interested in.


You might as well get all of that brand awareness. Making sure your business can benefit from this type of ad is the first step because not every business will. However, coming up with something that will catch on is the hardest part, so good luck with that. Feel free to share your thoughts about native advertising and online advertising for business in the comment section.

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