Managing a business, however small or big, new or old, is ever an exciting but demanding experience. No matter if you are the owner of a company or its digital marketing manager, here are several must-know tips that will help you tackle this challenge better and more efficiently.


# Focus on the “what,” not necessarily the “how”


If you managed to gather the right team of skilled employees, it is best to give them the freedom to do what they do best (in their respective fields) because, after all, that is why you hired them, right? Because they are better at it than you. And if they are not, and you constantly have to micromanage them, then perhaps you hired the wrong kind of people.


# Focus on resolving the problem, not blaming the person


It is in our human nature to resolve issues by pointing in the direction of whoever is to blame for the situation. When it comes to business, the “who” is not as important to your bottom line as the “what”. Therefore, keep your focus on resolving whatever went wrong and spend less time pointing fingers. Of course, if the same individual or team keeps making the same mistake, you should definitely address this red flag.


# Don’t be quick to say “No”


When your team presents an idea to you, resist the temptation to kill it right at birth. Take your time to think about whether it can be transformed into something viable. Even if you still decide not to go with the idea, give solid arguments as to why you have made this decision. Successful management is about transparency and sharing the reasoning behind the choices you make.


# Be specific in your goals


Demanding “more sales” or “better conversion rates” is simply not enough. Do the research, set specific goals (e.g. 5% increase in sales by the end of the year), explain why those new KPIs are necessary and be realistic about what your team can achieve.


What other tips would you add? Let us know!

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