When it comes to crafting a successful digital marketing strategy, there are three basic things every professional in the field should be aware of. Let’s review them and see why they matter.


#1 Clients don’t really care if you’re number one.


They don’t care, it’s true. It is even scientifically proven that a large part of the U.S. psyche is dedicated to rooting for the underdog. It is, therefore, better for you to be seen as number 2 or 3 or 53. Here, the natural question arises, “Why do we spend so much time trying to get to number 1?” Number one car manufacturer, number one restaurant chain, number one construction company. Of course, there will always be people who are impressed by such titles and will choose whoever’s at the top, no matter the quality of their product or service. But you have a choice to make, will you be the one in some numbers, or will you be the one in people’s hearts? The latter will get you purchases and loyalty which the first does not guarantee.


#2 Don’t try to make them happy


Marketing is not all about unicorns, rainbows, and people joyfully responding to your marketing strategy. No, marketing is about causing a reaction in your target audience that prompts them to take action. A famous example of making people not only unhappy but even angry is the case of Charmin’s Mr. Whipple.


Mr. Whipple was greatly disliked, and focus groups even tried to kill him before he reached television, but just a couple of years later, that same mister was selling billions of rolls of TP yearly. The moral of the story is – make people feel, and not necessarily happy.


#3 People buy stories, feelings, not products.


At the end of the day, we are all human and we attach feelings and emotions to the objects we use and the services we book. This is why, when crafting your digital marketing strategy, focus your content on situational benefits that people will associate with their own lives. This is how you get them to buy.


There are many others, but these three are the basic. We hope you learned something precious today!

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