It is in the online advertising definition that it is either paid, owned, or earned. Today, we will talk about the first kind and share the basics you need to know when dealing with pay-per-click (PPC) ads. Let’s get started!


PPC, also known as Paid Search Advertising (PSA), is a crucial aspect of the online success of any business, big or small.


To begin with, you need to know how to:


#1 Manage your Google Quality Score


This score is based on three components — the keywords you have chosen, the ad text you have created, and the relevance of your landing page.


Proper management of this score means not stuffing keywords and targeting specific groups of people with your ads.


#2 Understand how Google auction functions


It’s a three-step process that goes like this:


People search for something, and AdWords pulls the ads that have a keyword match

Ads that target a different location/country or are not approved or are ignored

The remaining ads with a high enough Ad Rank are displayed in the results people see


#3 Know how CTR is calculated


CTR essentially is clicks/impressions. It stands for click-through rate, and it is the calculated ratio of the number of people who click on your ad.


#4 Understand the benefits of PPC for remarketing


When you are paying for ads, it makes perfect sense that you’d want a high ROI in return. This is why it is wise to target the people who are most likely to buy what you’re selling. This is where remarketing comes in. The most important and beneficial types of remarketing you should consider are:


  • Email remarketing
  • Social media remarketing
  • Search remarketing


We have just laid the foundations, now it is up to you to build upon them and create a functional house in time. Good luck! However, keep in mind that we are here if you want to let the professionals handle it!

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