Sit back and take a deep breath as you are about to find out the top small business trends you can implement online. Embrace the future of online marketing.

#1. The “unexpected” visit

This may sound like the main character of a crime novel but in fact, this may be applicable to your business strategy. In this case, this “unexpected” visit (note the quotation marks) will come from your social media posts.


But social media pimping is nothing new to marketers, right? Yes and no. Google My Business, for example, is constantly making changes, but it definitely plays a significant role in your online presence. Other social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter are also a must. Also, we would recommend Pinterest and other additional sites, but only if you have the time, manpower, and resources to handle them.


#2. Cloud-based systems

Cloud-based systems are the future. Period. There are so many providers that offer business plans, ready to make your life a lot easier. Even Google Drive is good enough for small businesses. Sharing files and documents has never been easier, and you can set access levels for sensitive files. Cloud-based systems are definitely one of the most significant small business trends in the last few years.


#3. Videos do help!

Do you remember The Buggles’ hit “Video killed the radio star”? This 1979 song has never been more accurate, especially in terms of SEO. Your business definitely needs presence into a video platform, and when we are still on the SEO and Google topic, there is no better place than YouTube. We know it definitely helps, and we also know that Google loves suggesting YouTube results quite often. This is a chance your business should not miss.


#4. Think mobile

Smartphones are getting smarter by the day. This should be crystal clear by now, but why do we mention it? The mobile results are different than the results you are getting on desktop searches. Oh, and Google said that they are focusing on mobile searches more and more. Not only do you have to make sure your site is mobile-compatible but you have to optimize its mobile version as well.


We hope this information was helpful and you are welcome to check out our other blogs for even more small business trends, tips, and good practice blog material.

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